ヒトおよび各種動物への経口、静注、口腔内、眼、吸入、経皮、筋肉内、関節内投与における薬物の体内挙動をシミュレーションします。 吸収スクリーニング、薬物動態解析、製剤開発・設計、IVIVC評価、仮想母集団を用いた模擬臨床試験など、創薬の初期から開発まで広く利用可能なモデリング&シミュレーションソフトウェアです。
ヒトおよび各種動物への経口、静注、口腔内、眼、吸入、経皮、筋肉内、関節内投与における薬物の体内挙動をシミュレーションします。 吸収スクリーニング、薬物動態解析、製剤開発・設計、IVIVC評価、仮想母集団を用いた模擬臨床試験など、創薬の初期から開発まで広く利用可能なモデリング&シミュレーションソフトウェアです。
The latest version of GastroPlus® has the most innovative & integrative software improvements to accelerate drug development through continued collaborations with several large pharmaceutical companies and the U.S. FDA!
DDDPlus is a state-of-the-art simulation platform for in vitro dissolution.
This webinar will be an introduction to the "GastroPlus DDI Standards Update" project.
John DiBella, Maxime LeMerdy, and Cherylann Iagatta host an Introductory GastroPlus User Session for Academic Research
GastroPlus® version 9.8 has the most innovative & integrative software improvements to accelerate drug development through...
The GastroPlus User Group and Dr. Sandra Suarez-Sharp follow up on the questions asked during Part 1 of, "Utilization of PBBM/PBPK Models for Building a Safe Space and Regulatory Applications in Support of Drug Product Quality."
Drug products undergo many chemistry, manufacturing, and control (CMC) changes throughout their lifecycle, making the overall process costly and time consuming.
This GastroPlus® webinar hosted by Viera Lukacova, Director of Simulation Sciences, provides an overview of modeling and simulation in DDI risk...
This GastroPlus® webinar hosted by Joyce Macwan, Sr. Scientist II, provides an overview of mechanistic IVIVC and virtual bioequivalence trials to support formulation development.
In this GastroPlus® webinar hosted by Principal Scientist Jim Mullin explores updated human exposure predictions and food effect risk identification using...
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